Will I Have to Go To Court if I File Bankruptcy?

A personal bankruptcy petition must be filed at the New York district bankruptcy court by either the debtor or the attorney representing him. The petition requires you to list all of your major personal assets so that the court and your creditors can tell if any of your assets are not exempt from the proceedings.

Once your bankruptcy has been filed, it will be examined by the U.S. trustee assigned to your case to ensure that it has been completed properly. An automatic stay will be in place to prevent any creditors from trying to collect on outstanding debts that you may owe them while your bankruptcy petition is under review.

A trustee will then call a ยง 341 meeting of your creditors, which will be scheduled at a hearing room in the federal courthouse. You are required to attend this meeting to answer questions from the trustee and address any creditor concerns, including resolving any of their objections. This meeting typically only lasts five minutes for most debtors and is much less formal than a hearing in a civil case. As long as there are not any issues with your petition, the trustee will conclude the hearing. You can expect to receive notice within three to six months which of your personal debts have been discharged by a formal order of the court that will be mailed to your home address.

Retaining Quality Legal Representation in Filing for Bankruptcy

The Brighton Beach NY bankruptcy attorneys at the Ursulova Law Offices have the experience and knowledge you can depend on to answer all of your questions in your bankruptcy matter and to help you discharge eligible debts. Our competent Brighton Beach NY bankruptcy attorneys at the Ursulova Law Offices can be reached at (718) 368-1717 to schedule a consultation for your bankruptcy matter.

Ursulova Law offices, P.C.

Contact Ursulova Law Offices, P.C. to find out how our NY Bankruptcy Attorneys can help you today. Our offices are located in New York, Brighton Beach, Brooklyn and Garden City.


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