Who will know about my Bankruptcy Filing?

a gavel and a petition bankruptcy form

Are you wondering who may know about your bankruptcy filing? Perhaps you are concerned that your family, friends, and employers may find out about your bankruptcy case? This article explains who can view your bankruptcy filing and how an attorney may help you file. 

Your bankruptcy filing doesn’t have to be made accessible to everyone. There is still a stigma attached to filing for bankruptcy. Only a few people will find out that you have filed for bankruptcy.  Ursulova Law Offices P.C. will ensure that your bankruptcy filing remains private. 

Is your bankruptcy filing a public record?

Yes! Your bankruptcy filing is a public record. Every bankruptcy filing is accessible on Public Access to Court Electronic Records (PACER). So anyone who has a PACER account can access your filing, although it tends to be difficult for an ordinary person to search it on PACER. Only a Brighton Beach bankruptcy lawyer can easily find your bankruptcy filing on PACER. 

Creditors and your Brighton Beach bankruptcy attorney are the only people who can see your bankruptcy filing. When someone performs a Google search, your bankruptcy filing will not appear to them. The only way for your friends, family members, or anyone to view your bankruptcy is to open a PACER account. 

You have the option of sealing your bankruptcy filing, and a bankruptcy attorney in Brighton Beach can help you do that. Otherwise, all your bankruptcy filing case documents will be a public record that anyone with a PACER account can view. 

Do you have to notify your employer about your bankruptcy filing?

You don’t have to notify your employer about your bankruptcy filing. But because your bankruptcy case will be public, if your employer has a PACER account, they can search court records and see that you have filed for bankruptcy. Lawyers understand that only a small group of people should know about your bankruptcy. 

Hence, a bankruptcy lawyer in Brighton Beach will ensure that the only people who know about your bankruptcy are those you choose to tell. The good news is that lawyers will also advise you on which course of action to take. Also, inform you on how to handle your bankruptcy filing and which parties you should inform. Remember, under no circumstances can your employer fire or turn you down for a job because of your bankruptcy. So even if they find out about your bankruptcy, your employer cannot do anything about it. 

How your attorney can help you access your bankruptcy filing 

A Bankruptcy Law Firm Brighton Beach attorney will give you legal advice on navigating the thorny issue of bankruptcy. They will handle your bankruptcy case from filing a bankruptcy petition to erasing certain debts. Additionally, they will sit down with you, explain your debt obligations, and suggest a necessary course of action. Remember, attorneys, are adept at using exemption rules to protect you. 

Can a lawyer reverse a bankruptcy filing?

Once you file a bankruptcy case, regardless of what chapter it is, it will appear on your credit record for up to 10 years. However, you can hire a Bankruptcy Law Firm Brighton Beach attorney to stop the bankruptcy proceedings to not finish declaring you bankrupt. That doesn’t mean your filing record won’t be a public record though. 

A lawyer will follow these easy steps to file a motion to dismiss your bankruptcy:

  1. A lawyer will fill out the form, which requests a hearing in front of a bankruptcy court judge.
  2. They will explain why you want to dismiss bankruptcy proceedings.
  3. Provide valid reasons for your application.
  4. Attend your dismissal hearing with you. 
  5. Argue your case in the court of law.  

 Are you looking for a bankruptcy attorney near you? Reach out to Brighton Beach Bankruptcy Law Firm today!

Ursulova Law offices, P.C.

Contact Ursulova Law Offices, P.C. to find out how our NY Bankruptcy Attorneys can help you today. Our offices are located in New York, Brighton Beach, Brooklyn and Garden City.


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