What Happens During A Bankruptcy Consultation?

businessman and lawyer discuss the contract document

Meeting with an attorney for bankruptcy consulting can be rough due to how embarrassing it can feel to admit you need to file for personal bankruptcy in the first place. But bankruptcy lawyers are here to help you get through this difficult time in your personal/professional life. So if you need to file for bankruptcy, but need to prepare for the consultation with your attorney, here is what you can expect to happen during your consultation, what you will need to prepare for it, and how Ursulova Law Offices can help.

Bankruptcy Consultation

The goal of a bankruptcy consultation is to determine the right course of action for achieving financial stability. Whether that’s filing for bankruptcy or not is up to your specific circumstances and the advice of your attorney. This is very early in the bankruptcy process, literally determining if the process is needed at all, so this should be one of the first things you do.

You should have a good idea of the topics you want to go over with your bankruptcy attorney. They will know the questions to ask you, but you need to show up with the most urgent financial issues you’re facing at the forefront of your mind.

The most important thing to bring up at a bankruptcy consultation is the domestic support payments you can’t put off paying, from child support to alimony payments. Any payments that still need to be made on your house should also come up, as well as any qualification factors that may hinder your case. Stressful as those are, it’s best that your attorney knows about them right away so they can be dealt with.

The consultation usually lasts about an hour, with the attorney asking you questions regarding your assets, debt, and income. You must be honest with your legal team, as this information is vital for your attorney to deduce the best course of action. If bankruptcy is indeed an option, your attorney will carefully explain the bankruptcy process, as well as which chapter of bankruptcy is right for you.

What Do I Need for Bankruptcy Consultation?

There are a lot of things you should have ready to hand over to your attorney during the consultation, not all of them vital, but all helpful in giving your Brooklyn bankruptcy attorney an idea of your situation. These include:

  •  W-2/1099 pay stubs, Business Profit/Business Loss Statements, or Unemployment/Workman’s Compensation statements from the last 6 months
  • All bank statements from the last 3 months
  • All tax returns from the last 2 years
  • Any unpaid bills
  • Any loan agreements
  • Most recent mortgage and car finance statements
  • Foreclosure notices (if any)
  • Creditor payment receipts
  • Any completed credit counseling certification

These documents will help your bankruptcy lawyer determine if filing for bankruptcy will help get you out from under your accumulated debts and whether you should go with Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy.

Schedule Your Bankruptcy Consultation Now!

If you need a bankruptcy lawyer Brighton Beach and want a team you can trust, Ursulova Law Offices is here to help you. Our legal team is both skilled and understanding, offering bankruptcy consulting and an empathetic ear to the circumstances that led you to this.

If you’re in serious need of a Brooklyn bankruptcy attorney, contact us to schedule a consultation appointment.

Ursulova Law offices, P.C.

Contact Ursulova Law Offices, P.C. to find out how our NY Bankruptcy Attorneys can help you today. Our offices are located in New York, Brighton Beach, Brooklyn and Garden City.


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