Chapter 13 Bankruptcy: The Process
Filing for Chapter 13 bankruptcy can be a confusing process for the novice petitioner. A major component of filing means getting prepared before even beginning the process of filling out documents for submission to the court. Documentation supporting income claims and outstanding debt must be compiled even before the means test can be applied, as this lays out the need for bankruptcy protection. Exemptions should also be itemized in the preparation process as well, and it typically takes a bankruptcy attorney in Brighton Beach to identify these allowances that could be established in both federal and state law. Even the smallest of errors on a bankruptcy petition can impact acceptance, so it is vital to have all items accurately reflected throughout the process.
Qualifying Assets and Liabilities
Chapter 13 bankruptcy is effectively a repayment plan for debt reconstruction and discharge of as much unsecured debt as possible. Itemization of income will determine if the filer is eligible for protection based on financial resource input for the household. These figures can include investment records and other assorted types of income as well as actual employment income. Having an experienced bankruptcy professional like the attorneys at Ursulova Law Offices means that all necessary information is compiled comprehensively and accurately before entry and submission to the official record.
Potential Creditor Negotiation
Many times a creditor will want exclusion from the bankruptcy process and will renegotiate the terms of a particular debt repayment. Your bankruptcy attorney can often help in this regard in qualifying for an acceptable petition by being prepared before actually going to court. This can be a very important aspect of a petition filing because the repayment plan approval typically rests on the ability to repay based on total household income and budget feasibility.
The Hearing
Going to the hearing with an experienced bankruptcy attorney means that you will have a legal professional verifying and explaining any legal questions the court magistrate may have with the Chapter 13 petition, including knowing beforehand what might be questioned. The whole point of filing is ultimate approval, and your attorney understands this final aspect of the process.
Contact a Bankruptcy Attorney in Brighton Beach
Never attempt filing Chapter 13 bankruptcy without the help of a legal pro. Always call Ursulova Law offices in Brighton Beach for solid representation.